Behavioural Cash Flow Planning™


We offer a service called Behavioural Cash Flow Planning™.
I use a three step process to show you how to get more life from your cash flow.
– Rachel Desmarais


The Behavioral Cash Flow Plan™ is a written document including specific advice on personal spending based on a standardized process that allows me to take into account your income, expenses, proximity to retirement (or other major goals) assets and liabilities and recommend how much you can spend on the things you can control in order to achieve your dreams. It includes specific and clear advice on both spending and debt repayment.

A Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™ is NOT a budget.

It is a plan that helps manage your day-to-day cash flow. It is a plan that takes into account financial obligations. A Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™ also provides guidance on future costs like purchasing your next vehicle, handling emergencies and planning for major expenses such as renovations with the exact amount you should focus on spending with expenses you can control.

Case Studies

How can a Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™ benefit me?

Find you the money to fund your dreams!

Show you how to save tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in inefficient interest

Help you stop money leaks on stuff that doesn’t matter so you’ve got lots of money for the stuff that does

Finally tell you what TO DO, not just what TO BUY!

What Does A Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™ Include?

A letter of engagement outlining the process and commitment of all parties

A written report that is easy to understand and use on a regular basis

Exactly HOW to alter your debts and cash flow patterns to achieve your dreams

A review process including a refreshed written plan

Have you ever felt that your financial goals or dreams are not 100% funded?

10 Reasons For A Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™

Your retirement plan is not fully funded, meaning you can’t prove for sure that you have enough to  retire.

You’ve turned down insurance recommendations, because they are cost prohibitive.
Your retirement goals and plans are based on replacing a percentage of pre-retirement income rather than based on your actual expenses projected into the future.
You have withdrawn money from an investment, or stopped an investment strategy, for reasons or purposes other than what that money was being accumulated for.
You have not maxed out your Tax Free Savings Account.
You are not stinking rich and cannot burn money for fun.
You take out car loans and you are 10 years into your career.
You are retiring in the next 10 years and will have to live at least partially off invested assets.
You have a major life goals that require saving for.

The fact is, most people need a Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™ and rarely have one. Instead, we most
often deal with issues of cash flow after trouble has already hit. We buy the fire extinguisher when the
house is already engulfed in flames. So get a Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™ now, because everyone can
use one, and you’ll be on the road to financial freedom.

Getting Started


First we’ll have a quick phone conversation to discuss whether or not a Behavioural Cash Flow Plan™ is right for you. If I’m confident I’m able to make a big difference in your finances I’ll invite you in for an initial consult.


Then I’ll show you how meeting short term goals again and again for fun things like renovating your kitchen, or a dream vacation, are actually the key to changing the behaviour that will fund your long term dreams.


Finally, once we’re all on the same page, I’ll create a written plan to show you exactly how to reach those goals.

I have trained and achieved a Designation in Behavioural Cash Flow Planning™.

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started”
– Mark Twain